
Fix It Friday (#84)

This week's fix it friday picture was a litle tricker to edit.  I guess many people requested this, so the founders over at IHF granted their wish and uploaded a picture with lighting problems.  I'm kind of short on time today so I didn't do much to fix the lighting except on baby's face.

I intend to do several edits every week.  A contemporary color edit, a vintage edit and a black and white edit. 
Without further ado.. the original, SOOC image:
Fix-It Friday #84

My contemporary color edit:
Fix-It Friday #84(1)
I did a lot on this image, included several selective color layers, a popping action, and a high pass filter on baby's eyes.  I kind of lost track to all the things I did to tweak it.

The vintage edit:
Fix-It Friday #84(2)
Added some softened red and yellow layers, along with a very very tweaked vintage action.
(kinda wishing I had added a vignette here.)

Finally, the black and white edit:
Fix-It Friday #84(3)
This was simply a gradient fill, along with a slight yellow color layer set to soft light.

Go on over to IHF and check out the other entries.
And leave me some blog love, will you---.... what's YOUR favorite edit?


keli [at] kidnapped by suburbia said...

i like them all ... i seriously can't pick just one. great work on a difficult spur-of-the-moment image that had alllll sorts of highlight/shadow issues!

(i am the original photographer)

Kristen said...

I like the b/w one the best. However, I like your contemporary color edit as well! This one was more of a challenge than the past couple! It was good to have a challenge! I loved the warm colors.

Allison Kaye said...

Oh, I like the vintage one! And I am totally up for a road trip to KY for photog location hunting! I love finding new spots :]