So, I have had some CRAZY luck the last month.
First, I won a
Flip-It Manual. I'm almost done creating this project.
Then I won this fantastic giveaway from
Pie N' The Sky's blog. It included lots of great artists, but I'll dedicate a blog post to each one as their items arrive!
Saturday I got THIS:

What is it you might ask? But first, how cute is this packaging? How brilliant, how clever, how thoughtful!
Inside was a wonderful little treasure. a perfectly crafted Gardenia barrette!! I'm not sure whether to put it with my photography props for those little girls or keep it all to myself.

Where can you get one you ask?
Well, right here at Savannah's
Etsy shop.
You also need to check out her blog:
MaieDae. This is where the inspiration for my
Vintage Plate post came from.
Go check her out. Run! Do not Walk!